A Star in Distance - Book Signing Events

Successful Book Signing Events!

Some pictures from a recent successful book signing event. I was grateful for the opportunity to be invited by the Mississauga Writers’ Guild as an author to the Cranberry Christmas Market, held in the historic Clarke Memorial Hall in Mississauga, Ont. on Sat. Dec. 9, 2023 from 11am to 5pm. I engaged in conversation with some wonderful people; I autographed books and enjoyed the sounds and sights of Christmas. 

If you are looking for a special gift for a loved one or perhaps you want a self-help book about Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love for Christmas, you can contact me by my EMAIL 

More pictures from a recent successful book signing event on Sun. Dec. 10 from 11 am to 7pm at the Christmas Fair, hosted by Dream Media at the Oasis Convention Center in Mississauga, Ont.. The fair was an inspiring event of sounds and sights of Christmas.

I was grateful for the opportunity to be invited on the stage by 105.9 radio journalist Rob to share my story and details of my debut book to hundreds of people in attendance. I engaged in conversation with some wonderful people including a special visit to my booth with a Mississauga dignitary, the Honorable Stephen Dasko (Ward 1). Together we had an enlightening conversation and some photos taken.

I autographed a book and engaged in conversation about life, hope, history, and the bible. I am deeply humbled by a very successful event. 

If you are looking for a special gift for a loved one or perhaps you want a self-help book about Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love for Christmas, you can contact me by my EMAIL 

Recent successful Book Signing Events

I had the pleasure of meeting so many individuals at my debut book launch. We had time to chat about the world today and the growing need for Hope.  My debut book launch was on Saturday November 25 (before 5pm & after 6pm), and Sunday November 26, 2023, Annual Christmas bazaar being held at my local parish, STS. Cyril & Methodius (Slovak Roman Catholic church at 5255 Thornwood Drive, Mississauga, Ontario). I will be there approximately between 10am to 1:00pm.